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Demings 14 points of management

Although Deming didn’t create the name Total Quality Management, he’s credited with starting the movement. He didn’t receive much recognition

Targets are they a good thing?

Seeing the quote below recently from Deming, the author of ‘Out of the Crises’ is very pertinent. Targets drive behaviour.

Listening is a talent.

Listening to people, others opinions, markets, problems is at the core of the ‘philosophy’ of Bubble. Attempting to have a

10 competencies all change agents need.

The graphic below caught my eye on Twitter. It captures the features that you need to lead through change, to

What good listeners actually do.

Listening is a great skill and one that is fundamental to engaging with individials who have ‘mental’ health issues. It

Do you know where your going?

Entrpreneurs are talented people who often get wrapped up in their idea, their invention, their reason for existing and often

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