Bubble Enterprises
Bubble Enterprises is the brand through which Bubble creates its joint ventures and develops the projects that that become sustainable in their own right, often providing employment and volunteering opportunities within the communities within which Bubble engages.
The businesses Bubble has been involved in have taken most of the legal forms that are legally available in the UK:
Limited Liability Companies Ltd by shares
Limited Liability Companies Ltd by guarantee
Limited Liability Partnerships
Charitable Incorporated Organisations
Charitable companies
Charitable tradining entities
Community Interest Companies
Co-Operative Organisations
Mutual organisation
Membership organisations
Faith organisations
This gives our consultants, associates and staff a good practical grounding in the operation of these entities and the governance that needs to be in place to make them work effectively.
The depth of experience that has been built has formed the basis of multiple ‘iPlaybooks’ that are being used to replicate engagements and build francisable brands.
Click here to read about The Pod that was a Charitable Incorporated Organisation that was a joint venture between Mosscare, One South Manchester and Bubble Enterprises that ran for five years.
Click here to read about Oasis Cafe (Stockport) Community Interest Company that is a joint venture between Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust and Bubble Enterprises CIC.
Click here to read about the Business Incubator that was a joint venture between Alliance Manchester Business School, Bubble Partnership Ltd, Rothchilds and the Royal Bank of Scotland.