Bubble Associates

Our Associates are trusted experts within Bubble’s rich and varied business and community network. Individuals who become Bubble Associates are prominent in their field and share Bubble’s vision for better, more connected business with an element of social value.

Bubble Associates fall into four categories:

Category 1 is the ‘inspirational’ group as they are the individuals who have wrestled with the particular set of issues that come from dealing with a ‘stigma’ such as a mental health label and have learnt to manage the condition and contribute through their knowledge and skills to those around them.

Category 2 are the ‘advisors’, sometimes a group we call the ‘grey hair matters’ team. These are people who have been there, done that and bought the tee-shirt. They want to nurture talent and offer insight. They want to be trusted advisors to people striving for success and help them succeed.

Category 3 are the ‘suppliers’. They have helped individuals and companies in our network and are able to demonstarte through qualifications or references that they have the capacity to assist support our network, but they do need paying for their knowledge and expertise.

Category 4 are the ‘social enterprises’ that see a value of being associated with the ‘Bubble’ brands and may want to associate their outcomes and capabilities with the platform that is being steadily created.

If you’re interested in becoming a Bubble Associate, you can call us directly.

Click here for the contact page.

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