Steve Flynn

Location: England, Greater Manchester, Stockport Speciality: Coaching, Social Care, Coaching and Training

Steve would like to thank Stockport MBC and the Neighbourhood Inclusion team in particular, for their support of the In Your Corner programme in 2020.

The Stockport Local Fund award allowed Steve to develop a desire he had, that of providing a boxing-related workout to support people with poor mental health, into a regular weekly session, delivered to different user groups and in different forms – groups, 1-2- 1 and online. 

Whilst providing significant disruption to our daily lives, Steve believes that Covid-19 has shone a light on the increased risk of social isolation and loneliness faced by members of our communities and the resulting decline in health and wellbeing that many face. It has also highlighted the need to be nimble and to provide a digital response to engaging and supporting local residents. 

Steve believe there is much that can be done to address these risks across the borough, through collaboration between the VCSE network, healthcare and the public and private sectors, particularly in the areas of sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing.

Following the success of In Your Corner, Steve is keen to build on the partnerships developed with Stockport’s mental health network as well as Primary and Secondary Care, to develop more activities for people experiencing poor mental health, through a new planned initiative, BOOST.

Additionally Steve is launching a boxing based programme, specifically to support people with autism and ADHD, together with a women only programme of activities, for which he has received support from Sport England and ‘This Girl Can’.

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