Peter Gerber
Location: England, Worcestershire Speciality: Healthcare, Third Sector, Social CareOver the past 15 years, Peter has worked with hundreds of NHS organisations to support and inform quality improvement and effeciency. These have included:
- NHS Wales,
- NHS Scotland
- NHS England
- Acute trusts,
- Community and mental health trusts
- Primary care organisations,
- Think tanks and professional associations,
- to support and inform quality improvement and efficiency.
Dealing with multi-layers of the healthcare sector, involves patience and commitment to achieve goals and the outcomes all sides are looking to reach.
As an independent freelance consultant Peter has contact with key stakeholders across the health care sector. His Primary skills are in business development and in networking.
Peter’s passion is understanding the people behind every healthcare organisation as well as the suppliers into the NHS, what they’re trying to achieve and helping them to achieve it.
Being agile and getting things done are key and a quote often used by Peter, is ‘actions speak louder than words’