Pam Robinson

Location: England, Stockport, Edgeley, Cheadle Heath Speciality: Social Care, Faith

Pam spent 25 years in the Civil Service working in a variety of posts…payroll team leader, quality manager and process analyst being the key roles.

She also ran a very successful Slimming World class for several years, planning, managing and inspiring people to lose weight.

Her passion is turning vision into action!

She has now dedicating herself to help implement the vision of St Matthew’s Church and working as a community leader across the Edgeley and Cheadle Heath area in Stockport.

The projects she has involved herself in are

  1. Friendly Fridays.
  2. The Rose Walker Community Centre.
  3. The Olive ROC centre/Cafe.
  4. The community rooms at St Matthews’s Church house Edgley.
  5. York Street community centre.

This lady cares for the health and wellbeing of her community.

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