Mike Worthington
Location: England, Northumbria, Hexham Speciality: Charities, Prison ServiceMike Worthington was educated at Wigan Grammar School and Liverpool University.
Mike had a 33 year career in the Probation Service, the last 11 as Chief Probation Officer in Northumbria.
Since retirement in 1999, he has retained an active interest in criminal justice matters.
- As Visiting Professor at Northumbria University, he established a Community Safety Research Unit.
- Nationally, he chaired the Community Justice NTO,
- He then led the establishment of Skills for Justice, a sector skills council, firstly as Chair of the steering group and then as Chair of the Shadow Board.
- For six years, he was Chair of the Council of Trustees of SOVA, a national voluntary sector organisation working with offenders and those at risk of offending.
- Mike was for four years an Associate Programme Director with Common Purpose, delivering leadership programmes in various UK cities.
- In the North East, he has served for a total of 14 years as a Board member of the Community Foundation. In that time, he led two campaigns on its behalf – one on youth homelessness, the other the Invest 2006 campaign, which drew attention to the funding crisis facing the voluntary sector in the region.
- As Deputy Chair of the Community Foundation, he was instrumental in setting up the NE Social Capital Forum. He is now a Vice President of the Foundation.
- Mike chaired the Board of Northern Stage theatre from 2002 – 2006,
- He chaired the Cyrenians from 2007 – 2010
- Chaired VONNE from 2008-2011.
- He chaired the annual series of Hexham Debates from 2010 – 2013.
- He was a member of the Group of 7 who published the January Declaration on Poverty & Inequality in the North East in 2012, the January Manifesto in 2013 and who organised the January Conference, “Developing a Stronger Voice” in 2014. From this conference, Tyne & Wear Citizens was born.
- He is currently Chair of Tynedale U3A and of the recently formed North East Child Poverty Trust.
He was awarded the OBE in 2003 for services to the criminal justice sector.
Maybe he will retire soon.