Linzi Wood

Location: England, Cheshire Speciality: Mindfullness, Human Resources, Social Care, Coaching and Training

Life Coaching is fairly new and I asked a business client recently, “How would you sum up coaching?” to which she said, “It’s a place to download, get in control and go away with a different outlook”. A great analogy. Give yourself permission to walk a new, more exciting path.

If you want to be more successful or feel more healthy, secure or confident, then make the choice to do just that.  You won’t get there by putting it off or being concerned what people may think, you will get there by making some well thought out, conscious decisions and moving forward.

We are all so capable of change.  My clients have achieved massive change in their life as a result of coaching as you will see from my testimonials.

Is there something that needs to change in your personal or business life?  Is there a confidence or relationship issue, or conflict between work and home that you would like to address?  Give me a call and we can talk about how coaching can enable you to make that happen.

Life Coaching isn’t therapy, but done well, it’s the best talking therapy and intervention I have ever come across. It gets to the heart of us and allows us to explore our own thoughts and so come up with our own solutions which make sense.  It’s non-judgmental. It’s like having a friend, who’s not connected and therefore has no agenda but yours, with an impartial listening ear and with objective questions that will help you reflect and consider what’s right for you.

You will really feel supported as we walk the journey and work together to achieve your best possible outcomes.

There’s no magic to life coaching; I just have a genuine passion to show people an alternative.

Until then, speak soon and take care.

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