Gareth Nash
Location: England, Lancashire, Blackpool Speciality: Third Sector, Prison ServiceGareth is a founding director of Co-operative and Mutual Solutions (CMS) and has been working with co-operative and social enterprises for over 20 years.
CMS is a worker co-operative with a passion for values based, member led businesses. The directors are active in their local communities and in the co-operative movement regionally and nationally.
Gareth works with new start businesses, those that are established and want to grow and groups of people in transformation/looking to transfer.
He has experience of supporting communities take over a local service; workers purchase the business they work for (from the owner), public sector workers transfer into a co-op or mutual and groups of small businesses to collaborate (so that they can be bigger than they are individually).
Gareth can help you with business and financial planning including:
-market research
-designing a new organisation
-legal and governance structures
-becoming investment ready particularly (but not solely) if you are thinking of raising finance through a community share issue
-setting up effective systems.
A man worth contacting.
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